Thursday, February 25, 2010

"The Last Battle" Watercolor

(Note: There's a slightly newer version of this watercolor here.)

It took me a really long time to get this one done. Seriously. I’m ashamed. I’m using the fact that rocks are really hard to paint as my excuse. And I’m afraid this isn’t a great scan, but you get the idea.

The Last Battle

If you’re familiar with the book, this is the scene when Farsight the Eagle arrives to tell the heroes that the Calormenes have invaded and Narnia is, more or less, dead. It’s very sad.

Theologically, though, it’s also a good illustration of the arrival of a prophetic/apocalyptic word, a shocking pronouncement of the truth that is intended to spur the recipient into some sort of action. Farsight’s message is what allows the heroes of the story to make a decision that eventually leads them to the last battle.

I suppose I should have warned you of spoilers, but it really shouldn't be a surprise that a book titled "The Last Battle" has a last battle in it.

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